1.Organization Preamble: 
   JGO Nepal, a non-profit earning and non-political organization, having a liberal attitude, is totally a social and Buddhist religious organization established as a branch of Jingak Buddhist Order,Korea. JGO Nepal was inaugurated with the help of Association of NepaleseBuddhism,Kathmandu,Nepal by Rev.Sun-kwan Kim, President, Jingak Buddhist Order/Chief Director,Jingak Wefare Foundation in 25th November 1999 A.D. in Kathmandu,Nepal.
  JGO Nepal Registered under HIs Majesty's Government, District Administration office,Kathmandu, Nepal on July 20,2000 with registration number 18/057/058.A team of seven enthusiastic workers attached with either Nepal's biggest and oldest Univesity, Tribhuvan University or other INGOs and Buddhist orders, comprises the Executive COmmittee.This organization has been conducting various research works in the field of Buddhism.JGO Nepal has been formed and established with the sole objective of arounsing awareness on the righteous path of Buddhism and it's subsequent impact on the life style of an individual community and the whole world.
  The root of many social and religious problems in a society can be traced to the ignorance and or indifference of the people towards Buddhism.This situation has created a negative impact in the social development.This adverse atmosphere found in the society can be minimized by creating more methods.JGo Nepal has shouldered this responsiblility of creating awareness so that poor and the needy people could be served.
2.Major Activities:
  JGO Nepal Executive Committee has been meeting regularly to discuss and plan its activities both on short-term and long term basis.Among the various programs planned by JGO Nepal, some have alreay been executed and some of the major activites planned for 2001 A.D. were Free Helath Clinic, Granting of JGO Buddhist Scholarship and JGO Free Coachihng Class to the School Leaving Certificate students.JGO Nepal will also undertake skill development programs like Computer Training to youth group.A special section will be responsible for the conduction of meditation and religious preaching activites.Beside, social programs like Cloth Distribution program will also be conducted.JGO Nepal will formulate and execute various skill development prgrams targeted to the youths of Nepal.
  These major programs have been scheduled and planned for the coming year.Besides ,other programs will be framed to uplift the community in and around kathmandu valley.JGO Nepal aims to conduct various educational/social/religious programs on the basis of it's requirements and effectiveness.
  Although,this organization has not formed any district bas office,JGO Nepal has a network in Kathmandu valley to conduct project/program effectively.District Development Committee,District Administration Office, Municipality,other Buddhist Organizations and others are in coordination with this organization's network of operation.Thus,we hope any project or JGO Nepal will get mazimum support as per its requirement from those agencies for implementation of proposed/program in future.
   Project/programs that are undertaken by this organization will be in continuous process.The work will not end withou achieving the final goal of the poject depending on the nature and duration of the project.Moreover,JGo Nepal will sustain the projet by mobilizing its network to conduct projects/programs effectively.

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